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There are four camps in Symposium with four distinct characteristics and specialties. You have the option to either make a choice between the four or let the facility decide for you. There are historical camp rivalries and even official competitions hosted between the camps.


Each camp has a Captain which is a little like an over-glorified hall monitor. The Captain's responsibility is to keep an eye out on their camp both within the facility and in the field, though most of the time it is a tedious job as you are required to babysit the newer recruits...


Specialty: HEALER

The camp of spring.

Traditionally, members of Camp Verne are trained to look out for their teammates and provide support as well as medical assistance. They are the backbone of the operation and the ones who make sure that nobody gets hurt. To that extent, their expertise extends to both morale and spirit.

With their extensive practical knowledge, members of Verne make sure that missions run smoothly.


The symbol of Verne is the honeybee, derived from the medicinal properties of the insect's venom and it's not uncommon to hear Symposium's members refer to these novices as 'the bees'.




The camp uses the medical wing of the facility to perform their duties.


Mainly these novices receive training ranging from first aid to medicine and even pharmaceuticals. Camp Verne tackles research pertaining to diseases brought forth by the toxic jungles. Out in the field, their primary duty is to keep their fellow comrades safe. Certain members of the camp choose to resign themselves to the duties of nursing and prefer to keep out of the battlefield whenever possible, while others are keen to join the rest of the novices in the fray.


Verne is also responsible for the upkeep of Symposium's garden as well as its beehives. The camp is reputable for its disposition as peacekeepers. Verne's members are historically stereotyped as having milder tempers than some of the other camps.


Specialty: DPS

The camp of summer.


Quick, annoying, dangerous. Cyrus has quite a reputation for being a reckless bunch...Camp Cyrus is best known for their offensive tactics. It takes a dauntless one to join Cyrus, if you have more bravado than tact, that is.


The symbol of Cyrus is the Cicada, because 


Cyrus is Symposium's footsoldier, with its members affectionately nicknamed 'cannon fodder' by others. They are responsible for guard and scouting duties and are often the ones to take the lead in patrols in the thicket surrounding the facility.


The camp is thought of by others as troublesome due to the overall sense of bravado its members display. The members of Cyrus are capable, adaptable fighters who venture into places where others would not dare to go with a gun.


They can be often found in the gym or in the arena. The camp is infamous for leading the ANNUAL FOUR-CAMP SMACKDOWN.



Specialty: SUPPORT

The camp of autumn.


A typical Orel camper is built to collect samples and analyze them, but more importantly, the camp specializes in research in hopes of figuring out how to quell the ever-expanding jungles and how to rid the world of Titanid attacks. Orel personnel are exceptionally proficient in software, communications, and computer technology like no other.


The symbol of Orel is the moth, to allude to the uncovering of mysteries and always striving towards the light even if it burns them.


Camp Orel likes to take an analytical approach to the whole operation. The majority of reconnaissance is conducted by Orel. Known as the camp of elaborate tacticians, Orel is interested in computer technologies and data analysis.


There is a surprising side to the camp as well; With Orel's sharp intellect and adaptability, they have proved themselves to be quite crafty and cunning, even when it comes to everyday affairs. The Light Yagami stereotype precedes Orel, much to their own detriment.


Specialty: DEFENSE

The camp of winter.


Ivern prides itself on the strength and sturdiness of both self and character. The camp works closely with machinery which enables clearing the terrain and lifting unimaginably heavy weights. Similarly, Ivern is responsible for any repairs, whether it be any damaged weaponry or equipment as well as the development of new weapons. And is also known as the smallest and most specialized camp of the four.


The camp is represented by the Stag Beetle to symbolize the camp's resilience and endurance, as well as the ability of good to overcome evil.


Ivern boasts an interest in mechanics and robotics with many of its members working out the hardware part of the equation to Orel's software work. The camp is also often tasked with the repairs and the creation of weapons for their fellow novices.


Surprisingly the camp has a more reclusive side than their Orel cousin, yet they have managed to keep their reputation pretty favourable ever since the inception of Symposium. Members of the Ivern are often confined to the workshop and they prefer to stay there because of its' comforting ambiance.


Uncertain about which camp to pick?

You may leave your choice in the hands of fate!

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